You're invited: Tri-Counties Chapter Dinner Meeting; Seismic Retrofit utilizing Damper Panels;
Presentation: "Seismic Retrofit utilizing Damper Panels"
Date: December 30, 2013 ((Dinner & Networking 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. - Presentation 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.))
Practical Approaches on Damper Panel System Design
Speaker: Fred Schott, SE (SEAOSC Past President President of “Fred H Schott & Associates” in San Luis Obispo, CA)
Venue: Fourpoints Sheraton Hotel (Clipper Rooms) ; 1050 Schooner Dr. Ventura, CA 93001 Phone: (805) 658-1212
Faculty and Abstract:
The presentation examines the use of seismic dampers to retrofit buildings; in particular, soft, weak, open front (SWOF) buildings, typical of a large number of buildings in San Francisco and many other cities. This type of building either has garage doors or large shop windows on the bottom floor which makes them highly torsional. A two, three, four, and five story building was modeled and subject to three different earthquake time histories. The buildings were tested without dampers, then with dampers at the ground floor. When the results are compared, the size of earthquake the building with dampers could withstand was a factor of 3 to 4 times larger than a conventional system. A couple of damper panel systems are also examined, showing different approaches to attach the dampers and maximize their effectiveness.
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Hosts/Moderators: SEOASC Director; Casey K. Hemmatyar,