ASCE Forensic Engineering;
Seattle, Washington, USA
10th World Forensic Engineering Congress Nov. 1-4, 2024
10th World Forensic Engineering Congress 2024

You're invited: 10th World Forensic Engineering Congress Nov. 1-4, 2024;
Presentation: ""
Date: November 18, 2023
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You're invited: EERI and Partners;
Presentation: ""
Date: April 29, 2023
Click or walk-in to Register: Click Here

You're invited: SEAOC CONVENTION Call For Abstract;
Presentation: "SEAOC CONVENTION"
Date: February 12, 2014 ( )
Faculty and Abstract:
Abstracts are requested for papers to be presented at the technical sessions of
the SEAOC Convention.
We encourage the submissions to be based on this year’s theme;
“BUILDING ENHANCEMENT: Past, Present, and Future“
It is the goal of the SEAOC Annual Conference Committee to select papers that
deliver pertinent and useful information that the attendees can apply in their
structural engineering practices. We Encourage submissions on recent projects,
best design practices, new seismic system and components, next generation
codes, advanced analysis techniques, high performance materials, results of
recent experimental testing, and other topics that would be of interest to
practicing structural engineers.
Abstracts of not more than 250 words are due by March 4, 2014, and should
be sent via e-mail to the 2014 SEAOC Convention technical Program Committee
at the contact information provided below. Authors will be notified of abstract
acceptance by April 4, 2014. Papers must be submitted for publication in the
proceedings by 5:00pm June 9, 2014. Authors will be provided with required
guidelines regarding paper format after acceptance of abstract.
Casey K. Hemmatyar, SE
Technical Committee Chair
Technical Committee
Ifa Kashefi, PhD, SE Fred Schott, SE, Arnold Bookbinder, SE
James Lai SE Mike Coachran, SE, Prof. Mikhail Gershfeld, SE
Mo Hariri, SE Daniel Le, PhD, SE, Martin Hudson, PhD, GE
Spence Picket, SE, Casey K. Hemmatyar, SE
Click or walk-in to Register: Click Here

You're invited: Tri-Counties Chapter Dinner Meeting; “Overview & Application of CBC California Building Code”;
Presentation: "Overview and Application of 2010 CBC Chapters 16, 16A, 17 and 17A"
Date: January 3, 2014 ((Dinner & Networking 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. - Presentation 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.))
Overview and Application of 2010 CBC (California Building Code) Chapters 16, 16A, 17 and 17A
Speaker: Casey K. Hemmatyar (SEAOSC & PSFEG® Director)
Venue: Holiday Inn Express & Suites; 1080 Navigator Drive, Ventura, CA 93001 Phone: (805) 856-9533
Faculty and Abstract:
Casey K. Hemmatyar has worked in the field of Structural and Forensic Engineering for over the past 28 years. He brings diversified experience in design that includes new buildings, special structures, and seismic/wind retrofits. Along with the design He has also provided failure analysis, structural forensic investigations and damages assessments services. He has worked on research, building code and standard development, and construction supervision of US, Canada and International projects. He is a licensed Structural Engineer in multiple states including California, Washington, New York, Arizona, Hawaii and in Canada. Casey has been principal structural engineer on projects for clients such as NASA and several other high profile agencies. Currently he works as Director at PSFEG and serves as Director for SEAOSC.
The presentation will cover the CBC 2013 and IBC 2012 Model Code and ASCE 7-10 Referenced Standard.
Click here to download the Copy Righted© presentation material.
Click or walk-in to Register: Limited seats; Click Here (SEOASC Member to Login first)
Hosts/Moderators: SEOASC President and Board of Directors,

You're invited: Tri-Counties Chapter Dinner Meeting; Seismic Risks of Electrical Power Delivery Systems & Mitigation Measures;
Presentation: "Seismic Risks of Electrical Power Delivery Systems & Mitigation Measures"
Date: January 3, 2014 ((Dinner & Networking 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. - Presentation 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.))
Seismic Risks & Vulnerabilities Of Electrical Utility Power Distribution Systems & Related Mitigation Measures
Speaker: James Day, SE (Chief Structural Engineer, Southern California Edison)
Venue: Holiday Inn Express & Suites; 1080 Navigator Drive, Ventura, CA 93001 Phone: (805) 856-9533
Faculty and Abstract:
Mr. James Day, SE is Chief Structural Engineer of Distribution Structural Engineering & Technical Services, So Cal Edison. He has been practicing structural engineering since 1973. His experience range which sometimes has overlapped, includes 6 years with SCE, 17 years structural design experience in light to heavy construction at Bechtel, Fluor, Austin Company, Structural Mechanics Associates, KMN Engineering and Victor Gruen Assoc.; 15 years structural design & advanced material applications experience at Boeing & McDonnell Douglas Space Systems; 15 years (concurrent with above) at LA County Fire Urban Search & Rescue, Task Force 2, Structural Specialist.
The Electrical Power Distribution Systems, the largest component of the power delivery complex. This presentation will discuss the new designs for improved seismic resistance.
Click or walk-in to Register: Limited seats; Click Here (SEOASC Member to Login first)
Hosts/Moderators: SEOASC Director; Casey K. Hemmatyar,

You're invited: SEAOSC Los Angeles Lunch Meeting; Overview & Application of CBC- California Building Code;
Presentation: "Overview & Application of 2013 CBC- California Building Code"
Date: January 2, 2014 ((Networking 11:30 a.m., Lunch: 12:00-12:40 p.m., Program 12:40-1:40 p.m.))
Introduction to CBC 2013 which will become effective in in California in July 2013 and mandatory on Jan. 1, 2014
Speaker: Casey K. Hemmatyar (SEAOSC Director)
Venue: The Palm Restaurant; 1100 S. Flower St., Los Angeles, CA 90015 Phone: (213) 763-4600
Faculty and Abstract:
Casey K. Hemmatyar has worked in the field of Structural and Forensic Engineering for over the past 28 years. He brings diversified experience in design that includes new buildings, special structures, and seismic/wind retrofits. Along with the design He has also provided failure analysis, structural forensic investigations and damages assessments services. He has worked on research, building code and standard development, and construction supervision of US, Canada and International projects. He is a licensed Structural Engineer in multiple states including California, Washington, New York, Arizona, Hawaii and in Canada. Casey has been principal structural engineer on projects for clients such as NASA and several other high profile agencies. Currently he works as Director at PSFEG and serves as Director for SEAOSC.
Click here to download the Copy Righted© presentation material.
Click or walk-in to Register: Limited seats; Click Here (SEOASC Member to Login first)
Hosts/Moderators: SEOASC President and Board of Directors,

You're invited: Tri-Counties Chapter Dinner Meeting; OSHPD SB 499 information Update;
Presentation: "OSHPD SB 499 information Update"
Date: January 1, 2014 ((Dinner & Networking 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. - Presentation 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.))
- Revisions to the 2012 SB 499 Report and key features. - Best Practices for Successful “Comment and Process Review” (CPR) at OSHPD
Speaker: Chris Tokas, SE; (Deputy Division Chief of Northern California OSHPD)
Venue: Holiday Inn Express & Suites; 1080 Navigator Drive, Ventura, CA 93001 Phone: (805) 856-9533
Faculty and Abstract:
Mr. Chris Tokas SE, serves as Deputy Division Chief of Northern California operations for the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development. Mr. Tokas has over 26 years of experience in structural engineering and design, with special emphasis in the areas of seismic evaluation, analysis, and retrofit. He has been involved in all phases of seismic risk reduction programs, including development of criteria, evaluation of existing structural capacity, schematic design, and preparation of construction documents. He is experienced with the latest earthquake protection technology for buildings, including seismic isolation and energy dissipation. He has been teaching seminars for professional organizations, and courses related to earthquake resistant design of structures for University of California, Davis and California State University in Sacramento. He is the author and co-author of several papers related to earthquake resistant design of structures. The main focus of this presentation is on revisions to the 2012 SB 499 Report and key features.
Click here to download the Copy Righted© presentation material.
Click or walk-in to Register: Limited seats; Click Here (SEOASC Member to Login first)
Hosts/Moderators: SEOASC Director; Casey K. Hemmatyar, SEOASC President; Joseph LaBrie,

You're invited: Tri-Counties Chapter Dinner Meeting; Seismic Retrofit utilizing Damper Panels;
Presentation: "Seismic Retrofit utilizing Damper Panels"
Date: December 30, 2013 ((Dinner & Networking 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. - Presentation 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.))
Practical Approaches on Damper Panel System Design
Speaker: Fred Schott, SE (SEAOSC Past President President of “Fred H Schott & Associates” in San Luis Obispo, CA)
Venue: Fourpoints Sheraton Hotel (Clipper Rooms) ; 1050 Schooner Dr. Ventura, CA 93001 Phone: (805) 658-1212
Faculty and Abstract:
The presentation examines the use of seismic dampers to retrofit buildings; in particular, soft, weak, open front (SWOF) buildings, typical of a large number of buildings in San Francisco and many other cities. This type of building either has garage doors or large shop windows on the bottom floor which makes them highly torsional. A two, three, four, and five story building was modeled and subject to three different earthquake time histories. The buildings were tested without dampers, then with dampers at the ground floor. When the results are compared, the size of earthquake the building with dampers could withstand was a factor of 3 to 4 times larger than a conventional system. A couple of damper panel systems are also examined, showing different approaches to attach the dampers and maximize their effectiveness.
Click here to download the Copy Righted© presentation material.
Click or walk-in to Register: Click Here (SEOASC Member to Login first)
Hosts/Moderators: SEOASC Director; Casey K. Hemmatyar,

You're invited: Tri-Counties Chapter Dinner Meeting; VCMC (Ventura Community Medical Center) Replacement Hospital Wing Project;
Presentation: "VCMC (Ventura Community Medical Center) Replacement Hospital Wing Project"
Date: December 29, 2013 ((Dinner 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. - Presentation 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.) No fee after 7:30 p.m.)
VCMC Replacement; a $200M OSHPD Design-Build project.
Speaker: Phil Nelson, PE (Director of Engineering Services - County of Ventura)
Venue: Holiday Inn Express Hotel (Windjammer Room); 1080 Navigator Drive, Ventura, CA 93001 Phone: (805) 856-9533
Faculty and Abstract:
The Ventura County Health Care Agency is planning a project to replace older facilities in order to bring the hospital campus up to State of California seismic standards and to enhance the Agency’s delivery of essential medical services to the county. Phil will share his insights with the group of interested parties including structural engineers,structural practitioners, architects, inspectors, building officials and contractors. Click here to download the Copy Righted © presentation material.
Click here to download the Copy Righted© presentation material.
Click or walk-in to Register: Click Here (SEOASC Member to Login first)
Hosts/Moderators: SEOASC Director; Casey K. Hemmatyar,

You're invited: Tri-Counties Chapter Dinner Meeting; Atop the Rupture Zone – Chile’s 8.8 Earthquake and Tsunami;
Presentation: "Atop the Rupture Zone - Chile's 8.8 Earthquake and Tsunami"
Date: December 27, 2013 ( (Dinner 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. - Presentation 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.) No fee after 7:30)
Dr. Keller will present; Atop the Rupture Zone - Chile Mw = 8.8 Earthquake and Tsunami – A First-Hand Report
Speaker: Barry Keller, PhD (Seismologist)
Venue: Radisson Hotel; 3455 Skyway Dr., Santa Maria, CA 93455 Phone: (805) 928-8000
Faculty and Abstract:
First-hand experience of the 6th World’s Largest Earthquake - Mainshock (27 Feb 2010) and 60 hours of aftershocks!
Click here to download the Copy Righted© presentation material.
Click or walk-in to Register: Click Here
Hosts/Moderators: SEOASC Director; Casey K. Hemmatyar,

You're invited: Tri-Counties Chapter Dinner Meeting; Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Structures;
Presentation: "Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Structures"
Date: December 25, 2013 ((Dinner 5:30 - & 7:30 p.m. - Presentation 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.) No fee after 7:30)
Young Nam, SE will present on Seismic & Retrofit of Existing Structures which offers an overview of relevant Documents as Guidelines for the Seismic Evaluation and Rehabilitation of existing buildings
Speaker: Young Nam, SE & Thornton Tomasetti (SEAOSC Director, Vice President)
Venue: Holiday Inn Express Hotel (Windjammer Room); 1080 Navigator Drive, Ventura, CA 93001 Phone: (805) 856-9533
Faculty and Abstract:
Young Nam will provide technical information in regards to the rehabilitation of existingstructures.
Click here to download the Copy Righted© presentation material.
Click or walk-in to Register: Click Here
Hosts/Moderators: SEOASC Director; Casey K. Hemmatyar,

You're invited: Tri-Counties Chapter Dinner Meeting; Overview & Application of CBC;
Presentation: "Overview and Application of 2010 CBC Chapters 16, 16A, 17 and 17A"
Date: December 24, 2013 ((Dinner 5:30 - & 7:30 p.m. - Presentation 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.))
Overview and Application of 2010 CBC (California Building Code) Chapters 16, 16A, 17 and 17A
Speaker: Casey K. Hemmatyar (SEAOSC & PSFEG Director)
Venue: Mulligan's Cafe; 3500 McCaw Ave. Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Phone: (805) 682-3228
Faculty and Abstract:
Presentation captures major amendments to CBC in Chapters 16, 16A, 17 and 17A. It covers the changes related to the structural engineering requirements with emphasis on seismic topics. Major changes as they relate to OSHPD and DSA requirements are also addressed. The presentation goes over the changes in Special Inspections , Structural Observation and Material & Test Standards requirements with regards to concrete, steel, masonry and wood construction.
Click here to download the Copy Righted© presentation material.
Click or walk-in to Register: Click Here
EERI and Partners
EERI and its partners — the World Bank, the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation and ImageCat ( are engaged in a new GEO-CAN (Global Earth Observation-Catastrophe Assessment Network) opportunity to analyze the impacts of earthquakes.
SEAOSC Tri-Counties Chapter Dinner Meeting
SEAOSC Tri-Counties Chapter Dinner Meeting, hosted by Janah Risha, SEAOSC President and Casey Hemmatyar, SEOASC Director.
Code Changes and How They Affect Construction by John Chrysler of Masonry Institute of America. Mr. Chrysler has been in the masonry industry since 1968 and is currently President of TMS and is Chairman of the MSJC’s Construction Requirements Subcommittee.
SEAOSC Webinar
SEAOSC (Structural Engineers Association of Southern California)
Webinar Wed. March 16, 2011; 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. on New CBC (California Building Code) 2010 by PSFEG’s Structural Engineer/Director.
SEAOSC Seminar
SEAOSC (Structural Engineers Association of Southern California)
Macro Seminar Sat. Jan 29, 2011 on New CBC (California Building Code) 2010 by PSFEG’s Structural Engineer/Director in Long Beach.
Los Angeles Business Journal Interview
Los Angeles Business Journal Interview with PSFEG Structural Engineer/Director.
To learn more click Here
Proposed Amendments To The California Building Code
PSFEG’s Structural Engineer/Director Casey K. Hemmatyar, member of “ICC Los Angeles Basin Chapter Structural Code Committee” recommendations for the “Los Angeles Region Uniform Code Program” (LARUCP) Proposed Amendments To The 2010 California Building Code.
Click Here
“Ad-Hoc Wind Committee”
PSFEG’s Structural Engineer/Director Casey K. Hemmatyar member of SEOASC (Structural Engineers Association of Southern California) “Ad-Hoc Wind Committee” – Study of Historical and Design Wind Speeds in the Los Angeles Area.
To learn more click Here